
The Emperor of Russia is the aboslute ruler of the Russian Empire. The Emperor has supreme executive, legislative, and judical power.


The Emperor has no insistutional, politcal, military, or judical limits. The Consistution protects his authority and does not strip it. The Emperor is practially above the law. Since there are no legal limits or constitutional guarantees, subjects in an absolutist society have no protected rights; without an established and supreme law to guarantee protections and liberties, rights are given - and may be taken away - at the will of the Emperor.

The Emperor is assisted by the Prime Minister, his leading advisor and chief minister, appointed and dismissed by him. The Emperor also appoints and dismisses members and officals of the government and commisions. The Imperial Parilament is an legislative body, but is called and dismissed by the Emperor. All laws are proposed and passed in his name. The Emperor apporves or may reject these laws. The Emperor appoints half of the members the State Council of Russia, appoints and fires commitees, and calls or dissolves the parilament at his will. The Emperor controls their agenda and has to supervise their sessions. The Church is controlled by the Emperor's will.

The Emperor may issue his own Imperial Proclamations, Imperial Charters, Imperial Orders, Imperial Authorizations, Imperial Reports, Imperial Laws, Imperial Edicts, Imperial Decrees, and such. These are higher then Parilament laws and may be changed, repealed, or reformed by the Emperor. The Prime Minister enforces these Imperial proclamations and orders.

The Emperor has unlimited economic power: he regulates and manages trade, imposes, repeals, or changes taxes, duties, imposts, and excrises, handles and manages banking affairs, controls state revenues and how to spend them, finanical affairs, and fiscal and economic policy. The Emperor's apporval is needed for major economic reforms or actions. The Emperor regulates economic production and manages commerical enterpises. He grants them Imperial Charters and formalizes their actions, giving them powers and privaleges.

The Emperor is Commander of the Armed Forces and thus has supreme power over the military. The Emperor funds, organizes, and disciplines the military, appoints and fires officers, manages military actions, plans strategy and operations, oversees operations, awards military honors, and directs actions. The Emperor can call the Forces to crush rebellions or repel invasions. Each officer and soldier swears an oath of piety and loyality in the Emperor's name.

Other Imperial powers include granting of Imperial aslum, regulation of passports and the civil service, control over Royal revenues and estates, power over state policy, judicary appointments and dismissals, pardons and shortenings of terms, imposition of punishments, managements of government policy, and others.


The Emperor's revenues are meet from the Imperial Civil Lists. This covers staffing, public visits, public engagements, and offical entertainment. The Emperor's total wealth is, aside state budget and expenditures, is 999 billion dollars. The Civil Lists generate 500 trillion a month.

