
The Imperial Court is the supreme consistutional court of the Holy Germanian Empire, established in the Consistution of Holy Germanian Empire. The justices, appointed and dismissed by the Emperor of Holy Germania, is part of the supreme judicary of the Empire.


  • Manage government cases and impeachment hearings
  • Manage admirality and maritime disputes
  • Manage disputes between states, citizens of other states, two or more states, foreign countries and citzens, land disputes, ownership disputes, etc.
  • Excrises judicial review, can declare lawa unconsistutional or may change them
  • May revoke decisions and hearings of lower courts, supervise them
  • Can initate own hearings and execute them, interpets and explains Imperial law
  • Handles disputes between companies and organizations
  • Regulate judical standards


The Consistution says judges serve under "good behavior", which is a sneaky way saying they can serve for the remainder of their lives, unless voulntairy retirng, resigning, or being removed. They also may die in office. 1905 was the only year in which the Senate impeached and removed a member, but the Emperor overuled it.

