
The Reforms of 1905-1907 were a series of reforms initated by King Nicholas II of Youngia between 1905-1907.


In 1905, the Communists and Socialists rebelled and threatened to overthrow the government. King Nicholas was a democratic ruler, but crushed the rebellion. The king realized that reforms had to be initated in order to save the government and protect the people from opression. The king worked with his Prime Minister, Sergei Witte, to solve this problem.

On 17 October 1905, King Nicholas issued the October Manfeisto. The Manfeisto declared civil liberties, authorized first elections (as Consistutionally required) of the Royal Secetaries, and listed democratic goals. Soon the king set to work.

King Nicholas authorized elections of the Prime Minister and of the Secetaries. The Consistution of Youngia was fully initated and executed in all purposes and means. The king worked hard and issued a series of orders setting the first offical election of prime minister in 1908 and listing out legal election prodecures.

Soon the king issued the Order authorizing election of the Royal Secetaries and legalizing it as an increased legislative branch. The King issued the Royal Council Initative, which effectively restricted the government's autocratic control of freedoms and gave more legislative regulations and governance of affairs to the Royal Council. The king, on 13 April 1906, offically opened the first elected session of the Chamber and read the Consistution to them. The king told them their duties. The Council finally was a supreme legislative authority.

Nicholas speaking.

King Nicholas of Youngia offically dedicating the first offical Royal Council, 13 April 1906.

A series of laws, including the Industrial Regulations Act and the Children's Working Act, increased industrial freedoms. The Industrial Regulations Act created a series of industrial codes and regulations, improved working conditions, raised wages, restricted autocratic companies, and offically recognized all labor and working unions. The Children's Working Act prohibited child labor, limited the amount of time a child was allowed to work, and granted compensation to all families and people that had to go through child labor and forced industrial labor. Other laws, including the Criminal Code of 1905, the Civil Cases Act of 1905, the Juries Equalities Act of 1906, and the Declration of Human Youngian Rights improved the legal systems and granted civil rights. With these laws, Youngia's 200 year long series of legal, politcal, and social reforms was finally complete.

Other acts, including the Education Act of 1906, the Diseases Act of 1907, the Social Welfare Act of 1907, the Health Insurances Acts of 1906 and 1907, the Meat Inspection Act of 1906, and the Food and Medicines Act 1907 improved education, health care, welfare, unemployment insurance, and food safety regulations.

King Nicholas II of Youngia implmented, issued, and signed all these policies, earning his title truly, Nicholas The Great.
